Monday, February 13, 2012

Romance is in the hair!

The very mention of Valentine's Day, makes me think of heart shaped boxes filled with chocolates, flowery offerings , and  romance.  I think that hair should reflect the mood of the holiday. So  I took three lovely models and created styles that would be perfect for an evening out with someone special. The styles were created using various braids and arranging them in a pleasing manner.  These are styles that can easily be recreated at home by exercising your own artistic judgement.  All you need is to know how to do a basic braid.

1.  Divide the hair into 3 sections.

2.  Cross 'strand A' over 'strand B' and then 
'strand C' over 'strand A'.

3.  Continue this sequence of overlapping these strands 
      until you reach the ends of the hair .

4.  Secure with an elastic band.

A very loose braid wrapped around the head and secured into place with bob pins.  It took just a few minutes and doesn't look overdone.  The "messier" the better!

 Jane Austin meets modern day style with multiple braids that are twisted and pinned.

 Loose side french braid on each side, pinned together and ends left out. Perfect for an informal night out with friends.

Whatever you do for Valentine's Day, I hope that these styles inspire something beautiful.

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